General News
2 February, 2024
Australia Day draws Dimboola together
The Dimboola community came together once again on Friday to embrace and celebrate Australia.

The Dimboola community came together once again on Friday to embrace and celebrate Australia.
Shop owners, families and locals united to support the event, with many people scattered around the Dimboola Library Gardens.
At least 50 people attended the morning tea and Australia Day Awards ceremony hosted by the Dimboola CWA.
A Dimboola Banner journalist chatted to attendees to ask what Australia Day meant to them.
Hindmarsh Shire Council mayor Cr Brett Ireland made a visit and presented awards at the Dimboola ceremony.
Most said they considered themselves very lucky to live in Australia and to call the country home, with others commenting on the freedoms we have.
Rhonda Hof and Ian Mcrae were sitting in the front row for the Australia Day ceremony and shared their thoughts.
"We can't redo what's happened - we can only look forward," Mr Mcrae said.
"We're very lucky to live in Australia," Ms Hof said.
"It's a great country."
Dimboola business owners Mel Obst and Kim Cross showed their community support at the Australia Day event.
"Everyone in some shape or form is a part of the Australian community," Ms Obst said.
"We're all a part of the story."
Kim Cross said, "It's a bloody rippa to have everyone together and all inclusive."
This year Dimboola resident Luke Launer was the guest speaker, sharing his experience in the film industry, including the highs and lows, and inspiring others to chase their dreams.
Australia Day brought the community together to celebrate the achievements of those in the community as well as reflect on and remember the past.
With the shining sun sneaking under the shade sails, the ceremony was once again successful.
Read More: Dimboola